Oklahoma Title
and Closing Company, Inc.

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Copyright © 2009-2020 | Oklahoma Title and Closing Company, Inc.

Oklahoma Title & Closing Company is an independent locally owned and operated title company in Oklahoma.

Incorporated in 1983, we have had a consistent profit margin in good and bad economic times and continue to invest for the long-term growth of the business.

This, combined with the stability of First American Title endorsing all settlements, insures the highest level of performance.

Every Oklahoma Title specialist is dedicated to a single goal:  making your title transaction work, no matter how complicated it might be. Doing so takes knowledge, experience, access to resources, and very often, creative planning.  But more than that, it takes professional dedication, commitment to excellence and a spirit of service.

About Us


Oklahoma Title & Closing Company, Inc.

13108 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73142 

Phone:  405-348-9315
Fax:  405-348-9516